Extreme Dance Challenge reserves the right to change, cancel or substitute dates, locations, schedules for any reason without penalty or compensation. No refunds or credits will be provided to you or your performers for any reason.
In no event shall Extreme Dance Challenge be responsible or liable for any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations arising out of or caused by, directly or indirectly, forces beyond its control, including, without limitation, flood, storm, earthquake, tornado, acts of God, fire or explosion, war, riot, insurrection, labour disputes, the act or failure to act of any government or regulatory body, accidents, public health emergency or pandemic, and interruptions, loss or malfunctions of utilities, communications or computer (software and hardware) services (each such event referred to here as a “Force Majeure Event”). Upon the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event Extreme Dance Challenge may, in its sole discretion, change, cancel or substitute dates, locations, or schedules of the Competition without penalty or compensation. For clarity, upon the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event no refunds or credits will be provided to you or your performers unless otherwise agreed to by Extreme Dance Challenge in its sole discretion.
If Extreme Dance Challenge claims the existence of a Force Majeure Event and elects to change or cancel the competition, Extreme Dance Challenge will promptly provide written notice to you describing the Force Majeure Event and any changes or cancellations to the Competition. Extreme Dance Challenge agrees to use reasonable commercial efforts to remove any Force Majeure Event and resume performance of the Competition, if possible, as soon as reasonably practicable under the circumstances.
Extreme Dance Challenge reserves the right to move a competition site if needed or increase/decrease the amount of days needed for a specific event.
The team at EDC know and understand the financial obligation and commitment all dance families make each and every year. It is very important to us that spectators at our competitions do not have to pay more just to see their dancer(s) perform. We also work really hard to find venues to hold our events at that provide free parking.
Spectator Admission Fee = $0
Spectator Admission Fee for the Dance Off = $0
Venue Parking = $0
EDC prefers to hold events in an open convention room setting. We feel this provides a more relaxed and friendly environment. We will always provide a large stage approximately (40’x52’), full stage lighting and professional sound at all events.
In most cases you will be provided three (3) opportunities to review your routines prior to competition. The first will be online prior to submitting your payment. Your second opportunity will be in a draft schedule which you will receive via email approximately two (2) months prior to the first day of competition. Following the draft schedule, you will have a minimum of five (5) business days to provide any necessary changes and/or corrections. Your final opportunity to review your entries will be in your final schedule confirmation which will also be emailed to you approximately four (4) weeks prior to the first day of competition. You will have a minimum of two (2) business days to provide any last and FINAL changes/or corrections. After this time, changes will not be accepted.
Our goal is to have all changes and/or corrections made prior to scheduling to eliminate any additional changes once the final schedule is posted. Any changes after the final schedule posting (if accepted) must be made by Extreme Dance Challenge staff, and will incur a $5 change fee (per act). As such there is no “standard schedule” we can share with you prior to the final schedule posting. It is virtually impossible to even guess when any routine will perform prior to the schedule posting. Please do not contact the office prior to the schedule posting as we simply won’t have any information other than what you’ll find online at the time. Changes will not be accepted at an event, unless a rules violation has been confirmed by Extreme Dance Challenge management. Please keep in mind that confirmation times are to be used as an approximate guideline only.
All routines should be prepared to perform up to thirty (30) minutes earlier than scheduled. Studio directors must check in at the merchandise table a minimum of one (1) hour prior to his or her first routine of the competition.
Music will only be accepted by uploading to your account three (3) weeks prior to the start of the event. An easily accessible backup for all routines is also required to be in your possession during the event. EDC cannot be responsible for unplayable mp3 files. We strongly encourage you to retrieve your backup music from the sound table immediately following each performance as Extreme Dance Challenge cannot be responsible for lost, damaged, stolen, or unclaimed music. Unclaimed music will not be mailed.
Solos, Duo/Trios and Small Groups = 3 minutes; Large Groups = 4 minutes; Lines = 5 minutes; Productions = 10 minutes. Extreme Dance Challenge can accommodate a longer routine (no more than 45 seconds extra), only if notified at the time of registration. Routines over time, MUST notify EDC management either during the registration process or during the draft schedule process. Over time music also includes fade outs that are under 10 seconds over time. We strive to hold on time events and are unable to do this if studios do not notify us of over time music prior to uploading their music in DanceComp Genie.
Studios with over time music that do not notify Extreme Dance Challenge before or during the draft schedule process will be charged a $25 penalty per routine with over time music if three (3) of more routines are uploaded in DanceComp Genie with over time music (this includes long fade outs in the music).
You are encouraged to please use discretion in the size and quantity of props, keeping in mind that space may be limited in the backstage area. You MUST notify EDC during registration of all routines that include props. Only those props that can be carried on by the performer or performer’s assistants, and that do not require extensive set up/tear down are allowed. No fire, smoke, knives, throwing of glitter, sprays, etc. will be allowed. No live animals. Liquid of any kind is absolutely prohibited on stage (water, paint, hairspray, etc.). The throwing of any item off the front of the stage is prohibited. Helium balloons are allowed, but may incur a retrieval fee imposed by the venue management if they are difficult to remove from the ceiling. Any such retrieval fee will be the sole responsibility of the studio. Production props must be in place within five (5) minutes and cleared from the stage in one (1) minute. Large props for all solo, duo/trio, group or line routines must be in place within one (1) minute and cleared from the stage in one (1) minute. Small props for all solo, duo/trio, group or line routines must be in place within one (1) minute and cleared from the stage in thirty (30) seconds. A deduction of three (3) points will be taken for each thirty (30) seconds over time limit for routines with props that were not indicated during the registration process. This includes any extensive cleanup time required from the dropping of flower petals, etc. Any prop which damages the performance venue and/or marley flooring in any way due to dragging, weight, sharp points, etc., shall be banned from future use, and the routine for which it was used will be fined. Studio owners/directors will also be held liable for any such damage.
Video/Audio critiques and digital score will be uploaded to each studio’s account by the Monday evening following the final evening of a particular event.
Waivers can be downloaded from your account, as well as a hard copy will be emailed to studios after the final schedule is sent. Each performer participating in the competition must sign a waiver providing approval for said performer to participate in the competition and have the performers photo/video used for potential marketing and promotional materials. Performers who are under the age of 18 must have a parent and/or guardian sign the waiver on the performer’s behalf.
If applicable, each studio will also be sent a separate COVID-19 waiver at least four (4) weeks prior to your applicable Competition for anyone attending the Competition as part of your performers or your performer’s guests to complete. Individuals who have not completed the waiver prior to the start of the Competition may be prohibited from entering the premises where the Competition is being held.
Audience members are prohibited from taking photos or videotaping at all times during the competition, including, without limitation, during stage performances, classes, and warm-ups. Violation of this policy may result in the disqualification of the performer associated with the relevant audience member. This rule will be strictly enforced. Photography and video are only allowed during awards presentations.
This rule is in place to protect your choreography and costuming rights. More importantly, to protect children from having their images used inappropriately and without consent. Extreme Dance Challenge will have a professional photographer and videographer available to accommodate photos and videos at all Extreme Dance Challenge competitions. Media is included in your registration fees.
All routines should be suitable for viewing by the general public. Please keep in mind, however, that opinion concerning what is “suitable” varies to a wide degree. We have made available to our adjudicators an opportunity to deduct points on the score sheet for any routine he or she considers inappropriate for any reason. Extreme Dance Challenge management also reserves the right to reduce points, disallow or disqualify any routine for any reason, including those that may be considered inappropriate by the general viewing public. Coaching of performers is prohibited during performance. Extreme Dance Challenge management reserves the right to move a competition site if needed. The decisions of the adjudicators are final and represent their professional opinions, not necessarily those of Extreme Dance Challenge management or staff. Jumping to the floor from the front of the stage is prohibited during performance, as is entrance or exit from the front or rear of the stage (under the stage drop). Entrances and exits from the stage must be made from the left and/or right stage wings only. This rule has been put into effect for the safety of the performers and audience members.
The safety and wellbeing of the performers, audience members, studio representatives and the Extreme Dance Challenge staff is the priority during all Extreme Dance Challenge Competitions. Extreme Dance Challenge will follow all COVID-19 guidelines set forth by the Alberta Government, Alberta Health Services and the Government of Canada.
Extreme Dance Challenge has every intention to hold the Competitions in some capacity and are planning several different options, such as block scheduling per studio, a combination of mixed solo sessions and block sessions for the remainder of the entries and any other options that Extreme Dance Challenge determines.
Extreme Dance Challenge has not created a COVID-19 policy for routines. It is each studios responsibility to ensure that all of their routines comply with the Government of Alberta, Alberta Health Services and the Government of Canada social distancing and COVID-19 guidelines. Due to the evolving nature of COVID-19 the Government of Alberta, Alberta Health Services and the Government of Canada guidelines may change prior to the competition. If necessary, each studio agrees to alter their routines to ensure compliance with all existing Government of Alberta, Alberta Health Services and the Government of Canada guidelines in force at the time of your applicable Competition.
Studio owners agree and are responsible for ensuring their performers and guests are aware of and abide by the Government of Alberta, Alberta Health Services and the Government of Canada COVID-19 guidelines.
A few more things to be aware of
Answers to our frequently-asked questions
Need a room? Check out our deals here
2025 Reservations WILL Open Via DanceBUG June 28, 2024!
Deposits for the 2025 season are strongly recommended. Our Calgary event is full. Space is still remaining for Red Deer.
We look forward to seeing you during our 10th Anniversary season in 2025.
Call us at
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